Package src.model

Class Child

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Child extends MovieGoer
The Class inherited from the Superclass MovieGoer that handles the data of Child
Jerick, Yeek Sheng
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Child

      public Child(String UUID, String name, String email, String mobileNum, String username, String password)
      Constructor for Child class
      UUID - is the unique ID in the database
      name - is the name of Movie Goer
      email - is the email of Movie Goer
      mobileNum - is the mobile number of Movie Goer
      username - is the unique username for user to login MOBLIMA
      password - is the password for user to login MOBLIMA
  • Method Details

    • getMovieGoerAge

      public MovieGoerAge getMovieGoerAge()
      Gets the Movie Goer Age Group
      Specified by:
      getMovieGoerAge in class MovieGoer
      MovieGoerAge of the MovieGoer
    • setGoerPrice

      public void setGoerPrice(double price)
      Sets the price weight of the Movie Goer
      Specified by:
      setGoerPrice in class MovieGoer
      price - is the price weight of the Movie Goer
    • getGoerPrice

      public double getGoerPrice()
      Gets the price weight of the Movie Goer
      Specified by:
      getGoerPrice in class MovieGoer
      The price weight of the Movie Goer