Package src.model
package src.model
ClassDescriptionThe Class inherited from the Superclass
that handles the data of AdultThe Class inherited from the SuperclassPayment
that handles the data of Bank Transaction PaymentThe Class inherited from the SuperclassMovie
that handles the data of Blockbuster MovieThe Class that handles the data of Booking HistoryThe Class inherited from the SuperclassPayment
that handles the data of Card PaymentThe Class inherited from the SuperclassMovieGoer
that handles the data of ChildThe Class that handles the data of CinemaThe class that handles the data of Cinema StaffThe Class that handles the data of CineplexThe Class inherited from the SuperclassSeat
that handles the data of Couple SeatThe Class that handles the data of Date and TimeThe Class inherited from the SuperclassCinema
that handles the data of IMAX CinemaThe Class that handles the data of MovieThe Class that handles the data of Movie GoerThe Class that handles the data of Movie ReviewThe Class that handles the data of Movie ScheduleThe Class that handles the data of Movie TicketThe Class that handles the data of PaymentStores and modifies allMovieGoer
permissionsThe Class inherited from the SuperclassCinema
that handles the data of Platinum CinemaStores and modifies all the default prices of each weight in a movie ticketThe Class inherited from the SuperclassPayment
that handles the data of QR Code PaymentThe Class that handles the data of SeatThe Class inherited from the SuperclassMovieGoer
that handles the data of Senior CitizenThe Class inherited from the SuperclassCinema
that handles the data of Standard CinemaThe Class inherited from the SuperclassMovie
that handles the data of Standard MovieThe Class inherited from the SuperclassSeat
that handles the data of Standard SeatThe Class inherited from the SuperclassMovieGoer
that handles the data of StudentThe Class inherited from the SuperclassMovie
that handles the data of Three D Movie