Serialized Form

  • Package src.model

    • Class Adult

      class Adult extends MovieGoer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • age
          MovieGoerAge age
          Age group of Movie Goer
        • price
          double price
          Price weight of the Movie Goer
    • Class BankTransactionPayment

      class BankTransactionPayment extends Payment implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • movieTicketPrice
          double movieTicketPrice
          Price of the Movie Tickets
        • paymentType
          PaymentType paymentType
          PaymentType of the Bank Transaction Payment
    • Class BlockbusterMovie

      class BlockbusterMovie extends Movie implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • moviePrice
          double moviePrice
          Price weight of the movie
        • type
          MovieType type
          MovieType of movie
    • Class BookingHistory

      class BookingHistory extends Object implements Serializable
    • Class CardPayment

      class CardPayment extends Payment implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • movieTicketPrice
          double movieTicketPrice
          Price of the Movie Tickets
        • paymentType
          PaymentType paymentType
          PaymentType of the Card Payment
    • Class Child

      class Child extends MovieGoer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • age
          MovieGoerAge age
          Age group of the Movie Goer
        • price
          double price
          Price weight of the Movie Goer
    • Class Cinema

      class Cinema extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • cinemaClass
          CinemaClass cinemaClass
          The CinemaClass of a cinema
        • numOfRows
          int numOfRows
          The total number of rows of seats in a cinema
        • seats
          ArrayList<Seat> seats
          All the Seat instances in a cinema
        • totalNumOfSeats
          int totalNumOfSeats
          The total number of seats in a cinema
        • UUID
          String UUID
          Unique ID of a cinema instance
    • Class CinemaStaff

      class CinemaStaff extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • name
          String name
          Name of the cinema staff
        • password
          String password
          Password of the cinema staff account
        • username
          String username
          Username of the cinema staff account
        • UUID
          String UUID
          Unique ID of a cinema staff in the database
    • Class Cineplex

      class Cineplex extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • cinemas
          ArrayList<Cinema> cinemas
          All the Cinema instances in a cineplex
        • cineplexLocation
          String cineplexLocation
          The location of the cineplex
        • cineplexName
          String cineplexName
          The name of the cineplex
        • numOfCinemas
          int numOfCinemas
          The total number of cinemas in the cineplex
        • UUID
          String UUID
          The unique ID of a cineplex instance
    • Class CoupleSeat

      class CoupleSeat extends Seat implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • seatPrice
          double seatPrice
          The price weight of the seat
        • seatType
          SeatType seatType
          The SeatType of the seat
    • Class DateTime

      class DateTime extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • date
          int date
          Date of year of the instance
        • day
          int day
          Day of week of the instance
        • hour
          int hour
          Hour of the instance in 24 hours format
        • minute
          int minute
          Minute of the instance
        • month
          int month
          Month of the instance
        • year
          int year
          Year of the instance
    • Class IMaxCinema

      class IMaxCinema extends Cinema implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • cinemaPrice
          double cinemaPrice
          The price weight of the cinema class
    • Class Movie

      class Movie extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • movieAgeRating
          MovieAgeRating movieAgeRating
          Age rating of the movie
        • movieCast
          ArrayList<String> movieCast
          ArrayList of all the casts of the movie
        • movieDirector
          String movieDirector
          Director of the movie
        • movieDuration
          double movieDuration
          Duration of the movie
        • movieOverallReviewRating
          double movieOverallReviewRating
          Overall review rating of the movie
        • movieReviews
          ArrayList<MovieReview> movieReviews
          ArrayList of all the MovieReview
        • movieShowingStatus
          MovieShowingStatus movieShowingStatus
          Showing status of the movie
        • movieSynopsis
          String movieSynopsis
          Synopsis of the movie
        • movieTicketsSold
          int movieTicketsSold
          Total number of tickets sold of the movie
        • movieTitle
          String movieTitle
          Title of the movie
        • UUID
          String UUID
          Unique ID of the movie
    • Class MovieGoer

      class MovieGoer extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • bookingHistory
          ArrayList<BookingHistory> bookingHistory
          All the BookingHistory of the Movie Goer
        • email
          String email
          Email address of the Movie Goer
        • mobileNum
          String mobileNum
          Mobile Number of the Movie Goer
        • name
          String name
          Name of the Movie Goer
        • password
          String password
          Password of the Movie Goer in MOBLIMA
        • reviewHistory
          ArrayList<MovieReview> reviewHistory
          All the MovieReview set by the Movie Goer
        • username
          String username
          Username of the Movie Goer in MOBLIMA
        • UUID
          String UUID
          Unique ID of the Movie Goer in database
    • Class MovieReview

      class MovieReview extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • goerUUID
          String goerUUID
          Unique UUID of the Movie Goer that sets this review
        • movie
          Movie movie
          Movie of the review
        • movieReviewRating
          double movieReviewRating
          Rating of the movie
        • review
          String review
          Review of the movie set by the Movie Goer
        • UUID
          String UUID
          Unique ID of the movie review
    • Class MovieSchedule

      class MovieSchedule extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • movieUUID
          String movieUUID
          The unique ID of the movie belonging to the current movie schedule
        • seatingPlan
          ArrayList<ArrayList<Seat>> seatingPlan
          The seating plan of each showing venue
        • showingTime
          ArrayList<DateTime> showingTime
          The showing time for each showing
        • showingVenueUUID
          ArrayList<String> showingVenueUUID
          All the showing venues currently showing the movie
        • UUID
          String UUID
          The unique ID of the movie schedule instance
    • Class MovieTicket

      class MovieTicket extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • cinemaUUID
          String cinemaUUID
          Unique ID of the chosen Cinema
        • movieUUID
          String movieUUID
          Unique ID of the chosen Movie
        • seatID
          String seatID
          Seat ID of the chosen Seat
        • showTime
          DateTime showTime
          Showing Time chosen for the Movie
        • UUID
          String UUID
          Unique ID of the Movie Ticket
    • Class Payment

      class Payment extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • transactionID
          String transactionID
          Transaction ID of the Payment generated when MovieGoer selects payment
        • UUID
          String UUID
          Unique ID of the Payment
    • Class Permission

      class Permission extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • movieGoerViewTop5ByOverallRatings
          boolean movieGoerViewTop5ByOverallRatings
          Permission to view the top 5 movies by overall ratings
        • movieGoerViewTop5BySales
          boolean movieGoerViewTop5BySales
          Permission to view the top 5 movies by total movie ticket sales
    • Class PlatinumCinema

      class PlatinumCinema extends Cinema implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • cinemaPrice
          double cinemaPrice
          The price weight of the cinema class
    • Class Prices

      class Prices extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • default3DMoviePrice
          double default3DMoviePrice
          Default 3D movie price
        • defaultAdultPrice
          double defaultAdultPrice
          Default adult ticket price
        • defaultBlockbusterMoviePrice
          double defaultBlockbusterMoviePrice
          Default blockbuster movie price
        • defaultChildPrice
          double defaultChildPrice
          Default child ticket price
        • defaultIMaxCinemaPrice
          double defaultIMaxCinemaPrice
          Default IMAX cinema price
        • defaultPlatinumCinemaPrice
          double defaultPlatinumCinemaPrice
          Default platinum cinema price
        • defaultSeatPrice
          double defaultSeatPrice
          Default seat price
        • defaultSeniorCitizenPrice
          double defaultSeniorCitizenPrice
          Default senior citizen ticket price
        • defaultStandardCinemaPrice
          double defaultStandardCinemaPrice
          Default standard cinema price
        • defaultStandardMoviePrice
          double defaultStandardMoviePrice
          Default standard movie price
        • defaultStudentPrice
          double defaultStudentPrice
          Default student ticket price
        • holidayPrice
          double holidayPrice
          Default holiday ticket price
        • weekendPrice
          double weekendPrice
          Default weekend ticket price
    • Class QRCodePayment

      class QRCodePayment extends Payment implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • movieTicketPrice
          double movieTicketPrice
          Price of the Movie Tickets
        • paymentType
          PaymentType paymentType
          PaymentType of the QR Code Payment
    • Class Seat

      class Seat extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • isAssigned
          boolean isAssigned
          Flag to store whether the seat is occupied or not
        • UUID
          String UUID
          The unique ID of a seat instance
    • Class SeniorCitizen

      class SeniorCitizen extends MovieGoer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • age
          MovieGoerAge age
          Age group of Movie Goer
        • price
          double price
          Price weight of the Movie Goer
    • Class StandardCinema

      class StandardCinema extends Cinema implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • cinemaPrice
          double cinemaPrice
          The price weight of the cinema class
    • Class StandardMovie

      class StandardMovie extends Movie implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • moviePrice
          double moviePrice
          Price weight of the movie
        • type
          MovieType type
          MovieType of movie
    • Class StandardSeat

      class StandardSeat extends Seat implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • seatPrice
          double seatPrice
          The price weight of the seat
        • seatType
          SeatType seatType
          The SeatType of the seat
    • Class Student

      class Student extends MovieGoer implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • age
          MovieGoerAge age
          Age group of Movie Goer
        • price
          double price
          Price weight of the Movie Goer
    • Class ThreeDMovie

      class ThreeDMovie extends Movie implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • moviePrice
          double moviePrice
          Price weight of the movie
        • type
          MovieType type
          MovieType of movie