All Classes and Interfaces

The Class inherited from the Superclass MovieGoer that handles the data of Adult
The Class inherited from the Superclass Payment that handles the data of Bank Transaction Payment
The Class inherited from the Superclass Movie that handles the data of Blockbuster Movie
The Class that handles the data of Booking History
Controller for handling all logic related to BookingHistory
The Class inherited from the Superclass Payment that handles the data of Card Payment
The Class inherited from the Superclass MovieGoer that handles the data of Child
The Class that handles the data of Cinema
Enumeration class for Cinema
Controller class for handling all logic related to Cinema
The class that handles the data of Cinema Staff
Controller class for handling all logic related to CinemaStaff
View class for handling all UI related to Cinema
The Class that handles the data of Cineplex
Controller class for Cineplex which handles all logic related to Cineplex
View class for handling all the UI related to Cineplex
The Class inherited from the Superclass Seat that handles the data of Couple Seat
The database of the application.
General helper functions for handling database
Controller class for handling all logics related to the Database
View class for handling all UI related to Database
The Class that handles the data of Date and Time
Collection of helper functions to deal with exceptions
The Class inherited from the Superclass Cinema that handles the data of IMAX Cinema
Generic helper functions for handling inputs
All views will inherit from this class Provides the boilerplate for the program
Enumeration class for handling conversion from database file to HashMap
The Class that handles the data of Movie
Enumeration class for the Movie Age Rating
The start of the MOBLIMA Application
View for the movie goer and cinema staff before register or login
View for movie goer to access their movie booking history
View for movie goer to view the details of the movie
The Class that handles the data of Movie Goer
Enumeration class for the Movie Goer Age
Controller class for handling all logic related to MovieGoer
View for movie goer to choose the ranking format of top 5 movies
View for movie goer to view the list of movies
Controller class for handling all logic related to Movie
View for movie goer after successful login or register
The Class that handles the data of Movie Review
Controller class for handling all logic related to MovieReview
The Class that handles the data of Movie Schedule
Controller for handling all logic related to MovieSchedule
View for movie goer to view the schedules of the movie for its type
View for movie goer to search for a particular movie title
Enumeration class for the Showing Status
The Class that handles the data of Movie Ticket
Controller for handling all logic related to MovieTicket
View for movie goer to view the movie tickets after successful payment
Enumeration class for the Movie Type
View for movie goer to view the different movie types for the movie title
The Class that handles the data of Payment
Controller for handling all logic related to Payment
Enumeration Class for the Payment Type
View for movie goer after selecting the seats for purchase
Stores and modifies all MovieGoer permissions
The Class inherited from the Superclass Cinema that handles the data of Platinum Cinema
Stores and modifies all the default prices of each weight in a movie ticket
The Class inherited from the Superclass Payment that handles the data of QR Code Payment
The Class that handles the data of Seat
View for movie goer of the seating plan of the movie at that cinema
Controller class for handling all logic related to Seat
Enumeration class for the class Seat
The Class inherited from the Superclass MovieGoer that handles the data of Senior Citizen
View for cinema staff to add a new movie into the database
View for cinema staff to add or delete the holiday from the holidays ArrayList in the database
View for cinema staffs to configure movie goer's permissions to view top 5 movies
View for cinema staffs to configure prices
View for staffs to select which system setting is to be configured System settings include movie ticket pricings, holidays and movie goer permissions
View for the cinema staff to configure specific detail of the movie selected from StaffMovieDetailsView
View for staff to view the list of movies
View for cinema staffs to view the top five ranked movies based on ticket sales or overall review ratings
View for the initial cinema staff module upon successful login
The Class inherited from the Superclass Cinema that handles the data of Standard Cinema
The Class inherited from the Superclass Movie that handles the data of Standard Movie
The Class inherited from the Superclass Seat that handles the data of Standard Seat
The Class inherited from the Superclass MovieGoer that handles the data of Student
The Class inherited from the Superclass Movie that handles the data of Three D Movie
Generic helper functions for handling UI experience
Controller class for handling all the logic related to all users